Planned action that aims to prevent and evaluate non-conformities in processes, seeking to identify the possibility that something may happen outside of the plan, recognize this deviation and raise solutions to deal with it.
The objective is to reduce these problems as much as possible.
We carry out fault analysis and redefinitions in the manufacturing process using:
- Characterization of the material verifying the root cause of the failure.
- Scanning electron microscopy analysis.
- Issuance of a conclusive technical report on the failure mechanism and its root cause.
- Suggestions for improving performance.

Corrosion is, in general, a spontaneous process of chemical and electrochemical reaction that takes place on the metal surface. Corrosion problems are frequent and occur in the most varied activities, for example, in the chemical, oil, petrochemical, naval, civil construction, automobile industries, in the means of air, rail, subway, sea and road transport.
Corrosion can be caused by pressure on the material, temperature or by substances that come into contact with materials. Therefore, to avoid losses and accidents, as well as material discontinuity, it is necessary to carry out corrosion analysis.
The characterization of materials allows the proper identification and selection of the material used. The characterization techniques are related to the mechanical properties that the material has
defining the industrial applications of the material.
Characterization of materials using the following laboratory techniques:
- Tensile tests according to ASTM A 370 / ASTM E 8-E8M / ABNT NBR ISO 6892-1 / ASME IX / AWS D1.1 standards.
- Charpy Impact Tests according to ASTM E / standards
ASTM A 370 / ABNT NBR ISO 148-1.
- Corrosion Tests on Stainless Steel
according to ASTM A 262.
- Measurements of Hardness and Microhardness: Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers.
- Metallographic Analysis.
- Field Metallography - Metallographic replica.
- Scanning electron microscopy.
- Optical Emission Spectrometry - ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (PMI), ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
- Studies of aging due to plate deformation.
- Definition of sheet forming properties.
- Issue of conclusive technical report on the material, our laboratory issues conclusive reports on the tests performed on the material.

- Composition identification, control of receipt of materials.
- Traceability of raw materials.
-Development of new materials and processes.
- Gain reliability in processes and products.
- Better product performance;
- Provide reliable data for the study of boiler and pressure vessel integrity.

Process that accurately analyzes and supplies specific elements present in the material, in order to provide greater control over the process and the quality of the material.
The optical emission technique provides fast and accurate determinations of specific elements. This is the technique used for the quality control of metallurgical industries and ferrous and non-ferrous foundries by defining the chemical composition of the material.
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy is able to establish the proportion, in terms of concentration, of each specific element present in the sample.
X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is a procedure applied in the industrial environment to analysis of different types of materials.
This technique is non-destructive and the component is preserved.

It is the interpretation of the microstructure of the materials
from prepared surface.
In this technique, the relationship between microstructures and their chemical compositions, physical and mechanical properties are determined.
Hardness is the property of a material that allows it to resist plastic deformation, usually by penetration.
Hardness expresses its resistance to permanent deformations, and is directly related to the binding force of the atoms.
A hardness property value is the result of a specific measurement procedure. Through the measurement of hardness it is possible to check the wear resistance and the mechanical resistance (traction). This test allows quality control in heat treatments, plastic forming processes and bonding processes. Widely used in the industry of mechanical components, surface treatments, due to the advantage of providing quantitative data on the characteristics of resistance to permanent deformation of the parts produced.

It is the set of heating and cooling operations to which the materials are subjected, under controlled conditions of temperature, time, atmosphere and cooling speed, in order to change their properties and give them certain characteristics. The properties of the materials depend on their microstructure. The heat treatments modify, to a greater or lesser extent, the microstructure of the materials resulting in the alteration of their properties, which may increase their hardness and resistance.
Delta ferrite measurements are important in the quality control of welded joints in austenitic steels.
Thus, weld deposits with a ferrite content of less than 3% are susceptible to hot cracking mechanisms depending on the level of residual stress present.
Measurements of delta ferrite therefore represent an effective means of guaranteeing the quality of welding in austenitic stainless steels. This methodology also applies to the control over duplex steels, whose application is growing in the petrochemical and cellulose industry. It is equally important for the control of receipt of raw material, in the sense of having a quick method to know if the material has a content of 50% of ferrite in its microstructure.

Mechanical tests of materials are standardized procedures that include tests, calculations, graphs and consultations to tables, in accordance with technical standards. Performing a test consists of submitting an object already manufactured or a material that is going to be processed industrially to situations that simulate the efforts that they will suffer under the real conditions of use, reaching extreme limits of request.
The mechanical properties refer to the way the materials react to external stresses, presenting deformation or rupture.
To determine any of these properties, it is necessary to perform a specific test.
It is through these tests that it is verified whether the materials have the properties that will make them suitable for their use.
Spectroscan performs the following destructive tests: traction, compression, shear, bending, bending, embedding, torsion, fatigue and impact.
Welding is the most important material joining process (particularly metals) from an industrial point of view and is extensively used in the manufacture and recovery of parts, equipment and structures.
Its application ranges from small electronic components to large structures and equipment (bridges, ships, pressure vessels, etc.). There are a large number of different welding processes and it is necessary to the selection of the process (or processes) suitable for a given application. Having qualified welders means high quality and professional welding work. The term "qualification" means that a welder or welding operator meets the requirements of a specific standard / procedure and is qualified to perform welds within the scope of this standard / procedure.
Spectroscan offers the qualification of welding and welders using specific standards for structural parts and pressure vessels.

The macrography test consists of checking with the naked eye with a small magnification of a flat surface, properly prepared by sanding; the surface is usually attacked by a substance that reacts with the material and reveals macrographic details of the structure of the material or the welded joint tested.
The macrography test is applied to verify the process of manufacture to which the steel product was subjected, whether casting, forging or rolling; it also allows to verify the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the product and to verify the existence of discontinuities inherent to the metal itself, such as porosities and segregations.
Spectroscan provides a highly trained and certified technical team for field service. You can count on the Spectroscan team for field service of: metallographic replica, hardness measurements, sample removal, welding monitoring aiming at qualifying procedures and welders, supervision and technical support. We carry out the work with quality and according to the client's needs.
Through field services it is possible to obtain the microstructural state of materials applied to equipment subject to deterioration due to the effects of time and temperature, and the extension of the residual life of equipment that has operated for long periods of time. Improving the quality of welded constructions is also allowed.

The technique of metallographic replica, comprises the reproduction of the microstructure of the material through a non-destructive methodology. It consists of preparing the region to be analyzed through sanding and polishing until obtaining a highly polished and risk-free surface. After this preparation, the polished surface is attacked with specific chemical reagents for each material and according to what is intended to be visualized. The microstructure is then transferred to the replica itself, thus allowing microscopy to be taken for image recording and analysis of the present phases. This technique allows to know, in carbon steels and low alloy, microstructural changes such as crystalline grain growth, carbide spheroidization and in the advanced stage the presence of graphitization. In this way, it is possible to establish the relationship between damage by time and temperature in boilers and apply this method in the integrity study according to regulatory norm NR 13. In corrosion studies, in austenitic stainless steels it is possible to determine if there is the occurrence of carbide precipitation. chromium, which is known as sensitization.
It is a methodology that includes some activities of non-destructive tests, such as metallographic replica, measurements of hardness using ultrasound technology, which aim to evaluate what damage may be happening in an equipment as a function of time, temperature and pressure and other variables of process.
Transfer of acquired technology to solve problems, whether to improve the performance of equipment by optimizing the base materials, improving mechanical strength, behavior and fracture toughness, analyzing possible process equipment failures in order to generate a condition optimization and productivity gains in the industry as a whole.

With high technical training in engineering, extensive experience in metallurgy and materials technology, we offer process consulting services and develop the best solutions for your operations. Whether in the provision of professional services or in the provision of integrated solutions, Spectroscan operates, developing services and projects with a high standard of quality and a high degree of technical responsibility. Spectroscan serves the main companies and industries in the steel and metallurgy sector, both in Brazil and abroad.
Assistance in consultancy activities begins with the survey of needs with the client, which may be through an initial technical visit, in the sense of diagnosing the case. From the collection of this information, a project is defined for which the routines and procedures for improvements or tests are established, of the path to be followed, in order to give the best solution to the customer and guarantee good results in production, nationalization of parts and equipment, in the development of welding procedures, and in the most diverse activities related to the industrial sector.